Our practice

Capital markets

As a firm whose founders have recognized professional experience in the capital market, we have a solid role in operations related to this segment, including in complex and innovative situations. Our team has decades of experience in the area, advising national and foreign clients, in the most diverse segments.

Along with the consulting services involving the interpretation of the provisions of the legislation and regulations applicable to the operations carried out in the market by publicly-held companies and investment funds and related to the performance of portfolio managers, brokers and other market agents, some of the services of our specialty are listed below.

  • Transactions with securities, defining the applicable legal basis and preparation of the necessary contracts and documents;
  • Investment funds in agro-industrial production chains (Fiagro);
  • Financial operations, fundraising and its guarantees in credit operations;
  • Issuance of debt securities such as debentures, promissory notes, real estate receivables certificates (CRI), agribusiness receivables certificates (CRA), and others;
  • Assistance in the issuance and offer of public or private debt and securities;
  • Registration of public offerings of securities (IPO, OPA, follow-ons) at CVM, B3, and ANBIMA, including the preparation and review of prospectuses, notices, and other documents related to registration procedures;
  • Obtaining and canceling the registration of a publicly-held company and constitution of investment funds with CVM, B3 and ANBIMA, as well as guidance on compliance with the obligations set forth in the respective standards;
  • Fundraising operations abroad (American Depositary Receipts – ADRs, Bonds, Off-Share Funds, etc.);
  • Legal audits (due diligence) and review of operations documents (spa, MOU etc);
  • Consultation of regulatory bodies and legal opinions.
  • Preliminary investigations, investigations, and other inspection procedures and sanctioning administrative processes initiated by both self-regulators (B3 and ANBIMA) and regulators (CVM, BACEN and CRSFN);
  • Proposals for terms of commitment and negotiation.