Our practice

Supplementary Pension and institutional investors

We are a full office para as entidades fechadas de Previdência Complementar (fundos de pensão) e seus patrocinadores, com reconhecida expertise na área de regulação de investimentos, fruto do compartilhamento de conhecimento especializado da nossa área de mercado de capitais e societário.

In the context of litigation, we have a group of professionals responsible for sponsoring more than 4,000 demands throughout the country. Although in large numbers, we conduct the actions we sponsor with a “strategic look”, ensuring the protection of entities and their benefit plans for the performance of their relevant social role.

We are recognized by our highly specialized and experienced team, which has good notions about actuaries and investments. This broader training provides our customers with a fast and efficient legal guidance capability.

Our work is divided into two aspects, consultative, and litigation.

  • Assistance in the application of the normative provisions, such as Complementary Laws 109/2001 and 108/2001, rules of the National Complementary Pension Council (CNPC), rules of the National Monetary Council (CMN) and the "subregulatory" rules specific to this specific environment;
  • Elaboration and revision of bylaws and other internal rules of entities, as well as regulation of benefit plans, and membership agreements;
  • Advisory regarding the internal governance structure of the entity, including the governance of investment processes;
  • Assistance on issues related to costing rules and their changes, as well as the treatment of deficits and distribution of surpluses;
  • Implementation of specific routines and procedures in order to minimize risks of liability of individuals of managers of pension funds and sponsors;
  • Acompanhamento de temas tributários que envolvem entidades de Previdência Complementar e suas operações, bem como de seus patrocinadores, participantes e assistidos.
  • Practice in administrative processes, guiding clients in inspection procedures (by the National Superintendence of Complementary Pension Plans – PREVIC, Federal Court of Accounts – TCU, among others) and promoting the defense in sanctioning processes;
  • Practice in judicial litigation in strategic actions and in the litigation of scale in the defense of pension funds and their sponsors;
  • Defesa das entidades fechadas de Previdência, assim como os seus veículos de investimentos, notadamente de seus fundos exclusivos em relação a controvérsias envolvendo investimentos.